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'The ability to create for greater good of all sentient life.' 1Rabbit.

Richard Tylor a.k.a 1Rabbit

The “1” in 1rabbit literally implies oneness or interconnectedness, inter-dependance of everything.

In traditional Buddhist teachings there is strong belief that everything appears to be individual and separate, but in actuality it is part of a greater whole – The Universe.

This fundamental belief strongly implies that every sentient being is born with the right to happiness and various forms of non-suffering. It is the foundation of compassion and the beginning of the journey toward enlightenment.

The “rabbit” is the alias the artist chose based on the Chinese zodiac year. Born in the year of the rabbit, his sign is usually associated with ingenuity, wisdom and peacefulness.

“1rabbit-creative force” implies that there is only 1rabbit/1artist – meaning that both you and I have the ability to create and share various forms of expressions of ourselves, for greater good of all sentient life.


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